I've been having this inner debate within myself for the past couple years and rarely talk about it unless I'm in the company of a close friend that I know will still love me and not judge me for my flawed outlook on life sometimes. I feel it's time for me to at least write it out and get it out into the open. It may hurt some people's feelings. Some people may take it the wrong way. And some could argue that my view on the subject is totally skewed and I just need to shut up. And all of that is fine, because it's said person's opinion, just like this is mine.
First, I need to get it out into the open that I probably have a self-image issue personally. If I gain 5 pounds, that's a problem for me and I'll eat less and work out until I'm satisfied with my body. If my skin breaks out, that's an issue that needs to be remedied asap or covered up with makeup very well. Getting the jist? Okay....so now moving on to this inner debate....
It really saddens me to see people let themselves go. I guess it's something I just don't understand. When I see people go up more than a few pant sizes in less than a year, I don't get it. Why is that okay? Why is just going out and buying bigger and bigger clothes good enough? Because they make bigger sizes? I don't understand why if the pants are feeling a little snug, people don't go for a run or start walking at nighttime. I've heard from some people that it's because everyone is so busy these days, no one has time to go to the gym. And I'll tell you, that's the biggest load of crap that I've ever heard. Sure, we all try to make ourselves seem oh so busy, but if people would stop logging hours upon hours online and take 45 minutes a day to do some physical activity, I think not only would people benefit from the decrease in online time, but they'd benefit from the exercise too. Don't know if people know this, but it's a great stress reducer for all of those busy, stressful schedules. And most gyms even have TVs in them now, so you can multi-task. I mean, think back to high school. Sure, maybe you played sports or maybe you didn't. If you did, you logged more physical activity time than the people who didn't, but everyone seemed to be in pretty good shape, right? It had something to do with a little thing called P.E. Remember? We
all hated running the mile. But if you think back to it, it took what....12 minutes if you walked it? 6 minutes if you ran it? And it's not like you ran the mile everyday. Sometimes it was just a lap. But it kept you in shape, because it was something you did everyday.
I will admit, I'm a bit of a hypocrite with the everyday comment. Because I don't work out everyday. I do however, walk a whole bunch over here everyday in Japan because I don't have a car. And since living in Japan, I've noticed it more than ever about people letting themselves go and possibly may be why I'm writing this out right now. Because everyone here is so fit! Even the old people, who in the US you'd see laid up in bed, letting someone take care of them....not here! They're out riding bikes. Seriously. People my grandparents age are riding bikes to get groceries or to get from place to place. Or if something is only a mile or two away, they walk it here. No use getting in the car and not only then having to try to find parking, but also having to pay for it. Yes, it's actually quite rare to find free parking in Japan. No, that was not a Monopoly reference. :]
It also pains me to walk on base here and see the people who just don't give a flying fart in space about their appearance. In my opinion, pajamas pants are made for at home. You should not leave the house wearing them unless you're going to a pajama party. And they do not count as regular pants. This is why you even find them in a different department in stores than regular clothes, so as to not get them confused. Putting on a pair of jeans and running a brush through your hair will not take more than 5 minutes, I promise. Some of this is probably stemming from the fact that I have become more conscience of my own appearance living here, because Japanese people as a whole are very well groomed and put together. But as I said, I've been zipped lipped about this for years. I know it's not going to make a difference either way, but it feels pretty good to just be able to get it out.
So, I'm getting it out. In the words of Peter Griffin "You wanna know what grinds my gears?"......
People who let themselves go, stop caring about their appearance, and are totally okay with it.