Well, not really. My cell phone is a piece of crap and I'm toning down what I really want to say about it by a mile by calling it a $200 POS.
#1. It shuts off randomly by itself when it's fully charged. Not the biggest deal in the world, but half the time I don't notice that its shut itself off, so I miss calls or texts. Which I'm not the biggest texter or phone conversationalist in the world (kind of pride myself on that), BUT I do need my phone to be on during the week in case someone from work needs to get ahold of me...know what I'm saying? And it's always amusing when I'm having a conversation with someone and it completely shuts off, mid conversation. So not cool. Then I have to wait the 2 stinking minutes it takes for my phone to reboot and hope to god that the person on the other end doesn't think I just hung up on them. Which I have, technically, but not intentionally!
#2. The screen freezes. All. The. Time. It seriously takes at least 2 minutes for my phone to load up new text messages because the screen freezes when I click on the new message alert thing. Again, not a huge deal, but flipping annoying because I paid $200 for this phone 7 months ago and it doesn't work properly!
#3. I have the unlimited internet package on my phone that I pay $60/month for. Since it's a smart phone (pfffft, whoever decided it fit under that category was seriously mistaken), it's the wisest thing to do, instead of letting your phone rack up astronomical amounts per usage. BUT half the time, my phone gives me an error saying it can't connect. Which I could blame on the internet itself, if my husband wasn't right next to me on his phone...online. We have a family plan, we're under the same service provider. Gah!
So, I wanted the new droid. It's gotten stellar reviews, even better than the *magical* iPhone 4 (which I've heard from the masses that have it....isn't so phenomenal). We went to Akihabara in Tokyo to find it because they don't carry it down here in Yokosuka. We found it. I loved it. Asked the price....$700!! WHATTT?! And that's just for the flippin' phone, none of the service charges. So obviously, I hung my head in shame and walked away. There's no way I'm paying that much for a phone.
But, as luck would have it....a solution to all my troubles (and we save money!!) My husband has an iPhone. He got it when he first got over here in March, for FREE. The catch was that he had to sign a two year contract, with unlimited internet service (duh!). He can't break the contract or he has to pay for the phone. Well, he's leaving in 3 days. His Japanese iPhone technically can work anywhere in the world for large, large sums of money. But we're not going that route, it's not like he's going to be able to call anyone from it anyways when he's deployed. So, we're going to cancel my phone tomorrow. They said I had to have it for 6 months before upgrading/canceling service. I've had it for 7. I'm inheriting DH's iPhone when he's away. Well, it's more like a trade off. I take his iPhone that he completely wipes and he takes my iPod Touch that I completely wipe. Then we start fresh with our new-ish toys. Not new, but new to us, respectively. Then when he gets back in 10 months, he reclaims his phone or gets a new one. I'm kind of hoping the droid will have lost popularity by then and that I can own it for less than half of what it's going for in Tokyo right now. Because I don't even want to spend $350 on a phone.
Everything has a way of working itself out.....now.....what to do with the old phone. Run it over? Smash it with a baseball bat? Play kickball with it?.....hmmmm...decisions.
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