
Monday, October 18, 2010

Trying new things....bravely.

I'm going to say it and I don't care who gets upset about it. I hate going on base when I don't have to. What's the point of needing an "American" oasis to feel more "at home" when you're living in JAPAN. C'mon! Put your big people panties/boxers on and deal with it already. Try new things. Have new experiences that you're not going to ever have when you move back to the US. Put on your brave face and just have fun with it! I understand going to base for work. I even understand the people that have children that are school aged wanting to live on base because the schools are right there. But for the rest of my opinion, no excuse. You're wasting your time in Japan by living like an American. I know that you're an American. I am too. But I'm having a heck of a lot of fun learning how to live like the Japanese people do. I learn something new everyday.

Okay, little rant over.

I'm trying something new tonight. I'm coloring my hair. No, that is not new. However, I'm coloring it with Japanese hair dye and all of the instructions are in some form of Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji. I have no clue whatsoever what the instructions say. They are nice enough to include a few little pictures, and I could read that you're supposed to leave it on for 20-30 minutes. So, I'm winging the rest, with the aid of the pictures. It's hair. It's not the end of the world. And I'm really getting tired of having to make a trip to base every time I feel the need to recolor my hair when there are stores that sell hair dye, in the colors that I like, a few blocks from my house out in town. I'm not letting a foreign language stop me! Hahaha. I'll post a picture up when it's all done. :)

Oh, yeah. I can tell I'm becoming more girly as well. In this culture, girls are extremely feminine. I'm not even close to the extreme rating, but I have been buying clothes that are a little more frilly. Shoes that are not just chucks. And paying attention/caring more about the way I look when I leave the house. Eh, I guess it won't kill me to be a girl when I am one.


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