
Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm a slacker.....

I haven't posted in awhile. And I couldn't commit to the Meme, so it's vanished! I'm going to write about things I want to write about, not things I have to sit there and think of answers for. If you know me....slacking is nothing new! I'm a procrastinator in the finest.

My husband is leaving in 4 days for 10 months. It's definitely a bummer. But thankfully I have a job that I enjoy that will keep me busy while he's gone. And hopefully I will be going to see him in California in 3 months before he deploys to the big sandbox. AND I'm going to the modeling fair on base this weekend. It would be pretty cool if I got signed with an agency over here, no? Not saying that it's going to happen. But it would be fun. I'm also trying to find projects/things that will eat up my time while he's gone. I'm going to be sprucing up the house a bit. Completely redoing the master bedroom so it looks like we're adults of some sort. And organizing! If you just guffawed at me, well I can't blame you. But I can say, whenever I have lived alone, I have a spotless house. No lie. Because I get so damned bored that I wind up cleaning. It might prove a little difficult since half of the stuff are things that aren't mine. But I'm going to try my best to get everything all neat and orderly.

I should also probably work on my Japanese. I know enough to get by (i.e. survival Japanese), but I haven't really pushed any farther, and that is my solely my fault. They're just so accommodating here, with having English menus at restaurants, having English at the train seems like it's everywhere. So I've been lazy and haven't really even tried to learn. And I want to learn! So I should probably take that up as one of my things to occupy my time.

I have some goodies from America coming soon. Things that you can't find over here. Or, if you did, the prices would be astronomical, because of them being imported and all. I love when I get goodies in the mail. It's like Christmas in summer! My mom is the best for sending me packages of the things I buy online and have sent to her house, since most places won't ship to FPO. Which really grinds my gears, because it costs the same if they were shipping it to California. We have a California zipcode, for crying out loud. But nope. Arrrghhh. That's the one downside to being over here. Besides missing my family and friends, of course.


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